Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Does the Annals of African Surgery impose article processing charges (APC) on authors for articles published in the Journal? Answer: Yes. Being an open access journal, authors will be requested to pay APC to publish their articles.
In open access model, the publication costs of an article are paid in order to provide free and immediate access to full text versions of research articles and high quality publishing services. Please note that the authors will be requested for APC only if the paper is accepted for publication. There are no article submission charges. APC covers several expenses of publisher like peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, archiving and other costs associated with publication of the articles.
The following are the APC rates:
Authors from African countries- 60 USD
Authors from outside Africa- 100 USD
Students- May apply for a waiver through the Editor in Chief.
2. Which forms are mandatory during submission of a new article to the Annals of African surgery?
Answer: The following forms must be filled and submitted together with the manuscript file:
The conflict of interest form (COI). (This form can be downloaded here).
The copyright agreement form (CAF). (This form can be downloaded here).
The Informed Consent form (IC). (This form can be downloaded here).
Below is tutorial on how to download, fill and upload the conflict of interest forms
3. Does the Annals of African Surgery issue letters of acceptance for accepted articles?
Answer: No, the Annals of African Surgery does not issue acceptance letters. Instead, authors can use manuscript acceptance decision email.
4. Does the Annals of African Surgery accept changes in the author list after acceptance of a manuscript?
Answer: No, the AAS does not allow any changes in the author list after an article has been accepted.
5. The conflict of interest form (COI form) not opening/ displays error message.
Answer: The error message occurs when the COI form is opened using the browser (i.e when the file is clicked to open in the downloads section of the browser).
How to avoid this: After downloading the form, locate it in the downloaded files section of your PC and open using PC adobe reader. If your do not have the adobe reader, you can download it from here.
If the error message persists even after following the instructions in (5) above, you can download a modified COI form by clicking here
6. As an author whose first language is not English, how do I get my manuscript edited for language?
Answer: Submissions from authors whose first language is not English should be subjected to language editing, either by an individual/co-author whose first language is English, or professional language editors. For more information on the latter, please visit the Wiley language editing website