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Highlights of the pre-conference workshop held at Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo Mozambique

The editorial team lead by the EIC organized a half day workshop ahead of the AMC/COSECSA International conference in Maputo, Mozambique.

EIC, Dr. Kigera sets the ball rolling at the pre conference workshop

The theme of the workshop was ‘Translating your Thesis and Clinical Data into a Publication’. The participants included residents, medical students and practicing physicians in Mozambique. The EIC, assistant editors (Michael Mwachiro and Stanley Aruyaru) and editorial board members (Prof Peter Nthumba, Prof John Tarpley and Ms Margaret Tarpley).

The able team delivered a series of lectures:

Planing your article” Are you ready to publish?”

Choosing the right journal, “Which journal will have a great impact on my article?”

General structure of a research article. IMRAD format

Using data to communicate

Authorship “What’s the order of the authors”

Peer review process, “What happens once I submit my article”

Ethical issues “How big a problem is plagiarism”

How to promote your article

A practical session was carried out on how to log into the Annals of African Surgery Website, register as an author and navigate the ScholarOneTM manuscript upload system.

After the session, there was half an hour session where members of the editorial team guided two members of the audience on editing their raw work (Case report and data set).

The team at Maputo appreciated the session and are looking forward to more hands-on workshop sessions.

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