The Annals of African Surgery is the Premier Surgical read in Africa. It is a bi-annual publication that aims to provide a medium for the exchange of current information between surgeons in the African region. The journal embraces surgery in all its aspects: basic science, clinical research, experimental research, and surgical education. The Annals of African Surgery helps surgeons in the region keep abreast of developing surgical innovations. Outlined below are some of the advantages of publishing with us:
1. The Annals of African Surgery (AAS) has been cited as a Premier Surgical read in Africa (Green A. Saidi Hassan. The Lancet. 2017 Sep 30;390(10102):1580.).
2. It is currently indexed in the Directorate of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), SCOPUS, Hinari, African Journals Online (AJOL).
3. No article processing charger (APC) are imposed on any submissions to the Journal.
4. All papers submitted to the AAS are usually subjected to a plagiarism check prior to being processed.
5. The AAS uses the ScholarOne manuscript submission system which ensures expeditious review process, while the authors can track the progress/ status of their papers.
6. All accepted papers appear on the “Online First” section of the Journal’s website prior to full text availability.
7. All papers undergo rigorous peer-review process prior to acceptance for publication.
8. The AAS publicized all its articles via multiple social media platforms to ensure visibility.
9. Quick turn-around time (2020- time to first decision is approximately 20-30 days form submission date).
10. The AAS is run by highly distinguished and competent editorial team, supported by a robust Editorial board with members from within and outside Africa.